Prep (pre-kindergarten)
Preparing a child for life involves close nurturing, care, attention and intentional development, particularly in their early years. Our Prep program at MACC is well known for providing a caring, nurturing environment with an age and stage appropriate pedagogical approach to develop each child’s learning potential.
Our Prep program is well integrated into the College life, being part of the MACC Primary umbrella which allows the children to be involved in the College’s special events. This includes assemblies, book parades, sport days and whole school church times. Within these functions the children experience being part of the College, they meet their future teachers and mix with children of different ages and abilities.
The Prep program is designed by specialist teachers to provide a comprehensive preparation for the children’s transition into Kindergarten. With its unique structured learning program students are equipped with the skills and confidence to find success in their first year of schooling.
Hands on.
Within an exciting, fun and hands on program, opportunities to participate in formal pre-reading, pre-writing and pre-number lessons are taught by caring, fully trained professional teachers. Time is also spent developing good social and behavioural skills in readiness for school.
Our Prep class operates Monday to Friday during term time, in normal school hours.
All children enrolling in our Prep class must turn 4 by 30th April in the year of their enrolment.